Hefner on the Topic of America’s Abundance of
Natural Gas

(Hefner was a lone voice in the 1970’s and 1980’s speaking publicly of the abundance of natural gas in the U.S. when most others claimed the U.S. was running out)

Hefner natural gas resource predictions

  • 1977, March 1, Paper “Natural Gas Policy”: “500 to 1000 Tcf”
  • 1978, June 25-29, Speech, Aspen Institute: “1500 Tcf and beyond”
  • 1982, October 26, Speech, American Gas Association, Kansas City: “1400 Tcf”
  • 1984, April 26, Testimony before Congress: “1000 to 1500”
  • 1986, May, Presentation, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria: “1000 to 1500”
  • 1993, December, Paper “New Thinking About Natural Gas,” USGS Professional Paper 1570: “3000 to 4000 Tcf”
  • 2007, October 30-31, Speech, Oil & Money Conference, London: “3000 to 3500 Tcf”


Hefner early comments on natural gas abundance

  • 1972, November 8, Congressional testimony: “There are vast remaining reserves to be exploited.”
  • 1975, March 21, Congressional testimony: “…vast undeveloped lower 48 natural gas reserves.”
  • 1976, January, Congressional testimony: “Let the competitive system work to encourage maximum development of natural gas, one of the most abundant sources of energy we have in the United States.”
  • 1977, March 24, Congressional testimony: “I am convinced that vast quantities of deep onshore natural gas remain to be discovered…The vast potential onshore deep natural gas reserves will not be found in association with oil.”
  • 1977, May 12 and May 24, Congressional testimonies: “National energy policy must operate to refocus United States resources toward the rapid development of the vast potential supplies of onshore natural gas.”
  • 1977, June 13, Congressional testimony: “Vast amounts of natural gas remain to be discovered onshore America.”
  • 1978, June 25-29, Speech, Aspen Institute: “We at GHK confidently predict that natural gas is the fuel of the future.”
  • 1983, August 4, Speech, New York Society of Securities Analysts: “…the enormous economic benefits of abundant supplies of domestically produced natural gas.”
  • 1983, April 14, Congressional testimony: “The nation…has abundant potential reserves…It is abundance of supply that is the only lasting and effective moderator of price.”
  • 1984, April 26, Congressional testimony: “Production and use of the world’s most abundant, environmentally desirable and economic fuel [natural gas] is encouraged…It is no longer conscionable to base our national political and economic policies on any other understanding than that of an abundant North American, as well as global, natural gas resource base.”
  • 1986, May, Presentation, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria: “Natural gas, a socially and environmentally benign, comparatively inexpensive, abundant and ubiquitous supply of energy, is awaiting development by both the developed and developing economies.”
  • 1991, January 2, Article “Forecast ‘91”, Energy Daily: “The natural gas industry will continue to develop substantial new natural gas reserves, to consolidate and integrate.”
  • 1993, December, Paper “New Thinking About Natural Gas,” USGS Professional Paper 1570: “I think that commercial natural gas is vastly more abundant than even our most optimistic estimates suggest.”