In The News
“Share Prices Are Higher”
Blurb by Robert A. Hefner III in The Gartman Letter on the real cost of coal versus natural gas
August 14, 2014
“More on Electric Cars”
Blurb by Robert A. Hefner III in the “Comments on the Capital Markets” section of The Gartman Letter
May 1, 2013
“View From Abroad”
Article from Energy Focus, journal of the Parliamentary Group for Energy Studies, U.K., by Robert A. Hefner III
December, 2012
“UK Industry Sees Hope for Shale”
Article from the International Gas Report featuring Robert A. Hefner III
November 19, 2012
“The Grand Energy Transition: Natural Gas – The Bridge Fuel to a Macroeconomic Global Expansion”
Presentation by Robert A. Hefner III at the Conference “Shale & Unconventional Gas – Their Role in Responsibly Delivering a Future Low Carbon Economy”, London.
November 7, 2012
Robert A. Hefner III Interview with KECO Radio
Robert A. Hefner III Interview on KECO’s “Exploring Energy” program
August 28, 2012
Distinctly Oklahoma, “GAS: The Transitional Fuel to America’s Energy and Economic Future…It’s a Natural”
Featured cover story of Robert A. Hefner III written by Keith A. Eaton of Distinctly Oklahoma.
July 2, 2012
Distinctly Oklahoma’s “Socially Seen”
Article featuring photo coverage at the reception and private screening of The GET at Chesapeake Energy, Oklahoma City.
June 1, 2012
“Film Series Promotes Environmental Activism” Featuring The GET
Article featured in Harvard’s Belfer Center Newsletter, Summer 2012
June 1, 2012
“OETA to Broadcast The Grand Energy Transition Documentary”
The Oklahoma Educational Television Authority (OETA) broadcasting The GET documentary on August 14, 2012
May 11, 2012
“deadCENTER details fest schedule”
Article featured in Oklahoma City Friday announcing deadCENTER film festival has selected The GET documentary as part of their official lineup in Oklahoma City
April 27, 2012
“Gas Producer Pushes for ‘Creative Destruction’ of Entrenched Oil, Coal Interests”
Article featured in SNL
April 19, 2012
Planet Forward, “An Innovation Summit”
Robert A. Hefner III featured on the panel “Renewables: Boom or Bust?”
April 17, 2012
PR Newswire “Natural Gas Documentary Provides Compelling Case for ‘Bridge Fuel’ to Sustainable Energies”
Official Press Release for The Grand Energy Transition: Natural Gas – The Bridge Fuel to Our Sustainable Future
April 11, 2012
The New York Times, “Energy For Tomorrow Conference”
Ad featuring Robert A. Hefner III as guest speaker on April 11, 2012 at The Times Center
March 25, 2012
Harvard University, “Natural Gas as a Bridge to the Future”
Robert A. Hefner III discusses his new documentary at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
April 9, 2012
Total Running Time: 49:59 minutes
Screening at Parliament's Attlee Suite Portcullis House of Commons, London,
UK, May 22, 2012
Left to Right: MP Christopher Pincher, Lord Charles Powell, Robert and MeiLi Hefner
Left to Right: Robert Hefner, Howard Covington, Sir Mark Weinberg
Robert and MeiLi Hefner with guests
Left to Right: Robert and MeiLi Hefner, Alexandra Urice
Screening at The Green Room, Chesapeake Energy, Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, April 24, 2012

Screening at the University of Virginia, Darden School of Business' Abbott
Auditorium, April 20, 2012
Left to Right: T. Brent Gunnoe, Allen and Terry de Guzman, Robert and MeiLi Hefner, Dr. Mike Mangrum, Cherly Gomez, Phillip Parrish
Robert A. Hefner III
Left to Right: Luca, Patricia, and Maria Paschina with Robert Hefner
Left to Right: Robert Hefner, Rex and Jane Scatena and friend
Screening at Landmark Theatres' E Street Cinema, Washington, DC, April 18,
Left to Right: Robert Hefner, Bob Woody, Robert McFarlane
Left to Right: Les Goldman, MeiLi and Robert Hefner
MeiLi and Robert Hefner
Screening at the Embassy of the Republic of Singapore, Washington, DC,
April 16, 2012
Left to Right: Ambassador of the Embassy of Brunei, Dato Yusoff Hamid, Ambassador of the Embassy of Singapore, Chan Heng Chee, Robert and MeiLi Hefner

Left to Right: Ambassador Chan Heng Chee, Robert and MeiLi Hefner, Alexandra Panman, and Fabio Hirschhorn
Robert A. Hefner III
Screening at The New York Times "Energy For Tomorrow Conference", Times
Center, April 11, 2012
Left to Right: Joe Nocera, Lester Brown, Lee Edwards, Robert A. Hefner III, and John Krenicki at the opening plenary of The New York Times “Energy For Tomorrow Conference” New York City, April 11, 2012
Left to Right: Thomas Friedman, Columnist-The New York Times with Dr. Steven Chu, US Secretary of Energy at the “Energy for Tomorrow Conference” April 11, 2012
Screening at Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, Belfer Center
for Science & International Affairs, April 9, 2012

Left to Right: Joseph Nye, Distinguished Service Professor, Harvard Kennedy School, Robert Hefner
Left to Right: Robert Hefner, Graham Allison, Director Belfer Center for Science & Int’l Affairs, Leonard Magueri, Research Fellow, Geopolitics of Energy